1 x seat cushion 1 x back rest cushion 1 x rear area cushion all beds cushion are made from vinyl - piping - new foam 3 inch - ply board - fixings. please fill in the options below .when measureing your bed please do this in mm measureing the width and lenthgh of the seat and back rest EXAMPLE 1450mm x 460mm The vinyl is prefixed with a protective finish it also meets EU safety standards. It also is resistant to common scuffing, burnishing, mildew, premature ageing, staining and is very easy to keep clean. all covers come upholstered to 6mm ply board this will keep there shape for many years. the fixings come in the boards ready to fit all you do is offer the cushion to the bed frame mark where the fixings are on the frame then drill the frame and insert the fixings. all cushions are made to order and can take up to 20 days.poatage will be